XCode 4: Wireless iPhone/iPad app distribution (OTA)

XCode 4 seems to be doing something different from XCode 3.x.

Do the following steps

Add Entitlements file and set the key value pair for get-task-allow (Can be debugged) to NO.

Go to Target build settings, under the Code Signing Entitlements section, add the Entitlements.plist under the “Release” setting and ensure that your Ad Hoc Provisioning profile is selected for “Release” under Code Signing Identity.

Create .ipa and .plist files

  1. Edit scheme and select destination to device.
  2. Archive the project (Product -> Archive).
  3. Go to Archives section in Organizer window.
  4. Select the archived distribution file
  5. Click on share… button
  6. Point the identity dropdown to respective Ad Hoc Provisioning profile
  7. Click Next
  8. Select the check box (Save for Enterprise Distribution)
  9. Fillup the fields (Application URL should point to the .ipa file (complete url))
  10. Click on save button (It will create .ipa (app) and .plist (manifest) files)

Create an index.html file similar to the following

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”
<title>My Cool app</title>
    <li><a href=”http://mycoolapp/build/distribution.mobileprovision”&gt;
                Install Example Provisioning File</a></li>
    <li><a href=”itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://mycoolapp/build/app.plist”>
                Install Example Application</a></li>

Check whether the app.plist contain the full url that points to the .ipa file

Place the files in the server (http://mycoolapp/build/)

Launch the browser in the device and point to http://mycoolapp/build/index.html
Download the provisioning profile and the application.




Blogged with the Flock Browser

One Response to “XCode 4: Wireless iPhone/iPad app distribution (OTA)”

  1. Atif Says:

    I am getting the error “Cannot connect to mydomain.com” when i am clicking on the link in iPhone browser. However i can browse my domain in iPhone browser. any help?

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